The essential data for your family tree is researched by employing different sources, depending on the period that is being analysed.
The sources used are as follows:
Anagrafe dello Stato Civile - Office of vital statistics (Civil Registry UK) - the period from 1866
Archivi parrocchiali - Parish Records - from 1563 when, during the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church required all parishes to keep baptismal records to prove that a person was Catholic before they could marry.
Later records include deaths and Stato delle Anime meaning "State of Souls" - a register of people living in the parish and of the events related to them.
From the first half of the 1800s, they were written in Italian, whereas before this they were usually written in Latin, adopting the typical abbreviations used in ecclesiastic circles.
Atti notarili - Notary deeds, legal documents - from the second half of 1500s